Harrington - Thought-Leadership Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms

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An Overview of Engagement with Your Key Contacts

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Building a thriving law practice requires nurturing relationships with your most valuable contacts. A good way to get started is by developing a Key Contacts List using this "Composition, Cadence, and Method" framework.

Composition: Who Makes Your List

Your list should include approximately 20-30 key contacts—high value, high potential relationships. Select individuals based on:

  • Direct connection to your target market

  • Potential for mutual benefit

  • Decision-making authority within their organizations

  • Ability to refer valuable connections

  • Willingness to engage with you

Keep your list dynamic. As your practice evolves, regularly reassess who belongs on it.

Cadence: Consistent, Manageable Outreach

Dunbar's Number stands for the proposition that the cognitive limit to the number of stable social relationships we can maintain is typically around 150 people. Research shows that beyond this threshold, the quality of relationships deteriorates due to our brain's limited capacity for social processing. Even more telling, the number of truly close, high-quality relationships we can actively maintain is far smaller.

For business development, this means being realistic about your capacity to manage relationships—your ability to engage in meaningful business development and relationship building with your contacts. Your contacts likely don’t want to hear from you every week. And you’ll be off their radar screens if you disappear for six months. The “Goldilocks” approach is generally to aim for monthly, or at least bi-monthly, contact with everyone on your list. This cadence keeps you top-of-mind without overwhelming your contacts—or yourself.

Method: Deliver Value

Generic firm newsletters and "just checking in" emails won't cut it. Every interaction should deliver genuine value to your contact. Consider:

  • Sharing relevant insights tailored to their situation

  • Offering specific assistance with a challenge

  • Extending thoughtful invitations to events

  • Making strategic introductions

  • Demonstrating authentic interest in their professional goals

Vary your communication channels between email, phone, and in-person meetings. The critical point is client-centricity—understand each contact's unique context and craft your outreach accordingly.

By consistently engaging your most valuable contacts in meaningful ways, you build the trust and visibility that naturally leads to new opportunities.

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Jay Harrington is president of our agency, a published author, and nationally-recognized expert in thought-leadership marketing. 

From strategic planning to writing, podcasting, video marketing, and design, Jay and his team help lawyers and law firms turn expertise into thought leadership, and thought leadership into new business. Get in touch to learn more about the consulting and coaching services we provide. You can reach Jay at jay@hcommunications.biz.

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