Embrace the Power of Video to Build Your Firm’s Brand

Embrace the Power of Video to Build Your Firm’s Brand

You’ve read the articles. You’ve heard the marketing strategists. And, yes, you’ve undoubtedly seen the videos extolling the virtues of video marketing. Add our voice to the chorus: Video should definitely be part of your professional services’ firm’s marketing mix. Why? Here are a few compelling reasons why video is critical to reaching your audience and growing your firm’s brand.

2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey: The Results Are In!

2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey: The Results Are In!

To help aid you in this effort, earlier this year we set out to gather data from a wide range of law firms pertaining to how they are using content marketing to bolster business development. We’re happy to report that the results of our “2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey” are in! The results of this survey will help all of us who are interested in marketing legal services to better understand what’s working, and what’s not, when it comes to law firm content marketing.

How Guest Posting Can Get You to the Top of Google Search Rankings

How Guest Posting Can Get You to the Top of Google Search Rankings

In this post, I’ll explain why I believe guest posting is a powerful SEO hack and how to execute a guest-posting strategy effectively. Lawyers can use this strategy to get their names, personal brands, and thought leadership (if not their own sites) to the top of Google search rankings, and increase business development opportunities in the process.

10 Steps to Effective Legal Business Development

10 Steps to Effective Legal Business Development

When fishing for clients, there are those who frantically cast about in the hope of catching whoever is biting. On the other end of the pier are those who approach their task with clear intention, equip themselves with the right tools for the job, and dial in on a strategy that’s guided by experience. They’re not interested in quantity or variety. Rather, they’re looking for something very particular that will feed them and others in their firms.

How to Design an Effective Law Firm Associate Training Program

How to Design an Effective Law Firm Associate Training Program

Most law firms invest significant resources into associate training. But is it working? If your law firm conducts training for associates, do you have mechanisms in place to measure success? Those are questions that only a law firm, its associate trainees, and, I suppose, clients who ultimately use the associates can answer, but in my experiences working as an attorney—and now a trainer and coach—many training programs lack the strategic planning and rigor necessary to achieve high-impact growth and sustainability.