Jay Harrington's Books
How to Make the Leap from Practicing Lawyer to Freelance Writer
Want to learn what it takes to build a successful career writing for clients? Need a blueprint for marketing your writing services? Struggling with the mental hurdles that stop many lawyers from leaving the practice of law? Jay Harrington shares the lessons he learned while running a successful writing business over the last decade.
From personal branding to pricing, and marketing to mindset, Jay shows you how to get your writing business off the ground so you can gain the freedom and flexibility that comes with being your own boss.
Sell Yourself One Hour Per Day to Build a Practice
It’s as important as it has ever been for lawyers to build profitable books of business, but it’s harder to find the time to do so. Higher billable hour requirements, 24/7 connectedness, unceasing distractions, and increased competition all conspire to make business development a difficult endeavor.
In The Productivity Pivot, Jay Harrington lays out a step-by-step strategy to help lawyers motivate themselves and manage their attention so they have the time—and the mental and emotional fortitude—necessary to develop business.
This book is not merely a collection of disparate and unrelated productivity tips or hacks. Rather, it lays out a comprehensive system that will: (1) challenge you to determine what you really desire out of your life and career, (2) prompt you to examine your limiting beliefs about what you’re capable of accomplishing, and (3) provide you with fresh and unconventional ideas that will transform the way you think about productivity. By reading this book, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and tools you need to prioritize the time necessary to build a profitable legal practice.
“The principles in Jay’s latest book are so simple yet so profound. We attorneys have a problem when it comes to investing in ourselves even though we spend all of our time meeting the needs of others. Jay presents an easy path for reversing that behavior and experiencing significant personal and professional growth.””
The Essential Associate
Step Up, Stand Out, and Rise to the Top as a Young Lawyer
The legal industry is radically different than it was just a decade ago. This presents both challenges and opportunities for young law firm associates. No longer can young lawyers sit back and wait for opportunities to fall into their laps. But never before have more tools and options been available that allow entrepreneurial-minded layers to stand out and rise to the top of the profession.
Jay Harrington’s new book, The Essential Associate, is an Amazon best seller that helps young lawyers not just survive but thrive in today’s competitive law firm environment. It is a step-by-step guide for mastering both the practice and business of law, and includes the insights of dozens of successful lawyer, general counsel at Fortune 500 companies, and leading consultants to the legal industry.
““Jay Harrington’s insights on how to become an Essential Associate are spot on. He provides practical advice on what action steps to take to succeed in becoming a valuable team member and a better lawyer.”
90-Day Personal Brand Building Road Map
The “90-Day Personal Brand Building Road Map” builds on the lessons taught in The Essential Associate, and will help you to put its prescriptions into practice. It includes twelve weeks worth of activities and action steps that will help you craft your personal brand and project your expertise to the marketplace. Want to build a strong network and reputation that lays the foundation for future business development? This Road Map will help you to gain momentum and move forward on the actions necessary to build a book of business.
One of a kind: a proven path to a profitable law practice
Almost every lawyer wants command higher rates, attract more clients and increase his or her profile in the marketplace. However, many are stuck pursuing ineffective strategies. Others don’t even know where to start. In his new book, lawyer-turned-legal marketer Jay Harrington lays out a path for lawyers to build profitable practices.
This book teaches lawyers how to harness creativity to develop profitable niche practices, build personal brands, improve the brand experience of clients, and become prolific, effective content marketers.
““One of a Kind is a book for lawyers who want to build a profitable practice, not just practice law. In an age when it’s tempting for lawyers to try to be everything to everyone, Jay Harrington offers a compelling alternative: be a niche player. His practical guide presents accessible and creative business strategies to help lawyers focus their actions and stand out to clients.””