Free Resources



Grow your LinkedIn Network and Generate new Leads

Download our Free guide, "How to Write High-Engagement LinkedIn Posts: A Step-by-Step Guide for Lawyers," to learn the essential steps on how to build a network, brand, and book of business using the LinkedIn platform. 


personal branding for lawyers: self assessment workbook

Interested in learning more about what it takes to build a powerful personal brand? Download Jay Harrington’s FREE “Personal Branding for Lawyers: Self-Assessment Workbook” to gain a deeper understanding of how to assess your unique strengths and weaknesses as a lawyer.


how to start fast as a law firm associate

Much like the first year of law school, the first year in a law firm can have a huge impact on a lawyer's career trajectory. A lawyer who starts slow will face an uphill climb. But one who starts fast will have a distinct advantage when it comes to career advancement. As the old saying goes, you only have one chance to make a first impression. 

In this free eBook, Jay Harrington discusses several key tactics, strategies and philosophies that will help young lawyers get off to a fast start. The ideas shared in this eBook preview a longer, more in-depth discussion of the issues facing first and second year lawyers in a full-length book Jay is working on that will be launched in late March of 2018. 

Jay's new book will feature lessons learned from his own experience as an associate at large law firms, but more importantly the insights from numerous successful and experienced lawyers at prominent law firms throughout the country.