We are excited to announce the launch of The Thought Leadership Project podcast, a program dedicated to helping lawyers turn their expertise into thought leadership, and their thought leadership into new business. Our podcast allows us to take a deep dive into a wide range of thought leadership-related issues, from the importance of establishing a niche focus for your content to how to establish yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn.
How to Become a Thought Leader in 60 Minutes or Less
Once a subject matter expert becomes a recognized thought leader, the time commitment required to engage in content development will be better understood and more highly valued. As opportunities flow in as the result of a coordinated thought leadership campaign, the return will become self-evident. But early on, busy lawyers and like professionals struggle with carving out time to create content. What if I told you that you only needed to carve out 60 minutes or less every six to eight weeks in order to establish a well-oiled marketing machine?
Advice from a Billionaire Lawyer: Sell Yourself One Hour Each Day
A Simple 3-Month Strategy for Lawyers Who Are New to LinkedIn
The Sales and Marketing Conundrum for Professional Services Firms
There is a danger in conflating sales with marketing, or considering them the same function, when really they are distinct activities and requisite skill sets. But there is an equal danger in keeping the functions entirely separate, which is often where both programs (sales and marketing) come up short, with departments at large companies pointing figures and making excuses.
Use LinkedIn Status Updates to Beta Test Your Long-Form Content
Embrace the Power of Video to Build Your Firm’s Brand
You’ve read the articles. You’ve heard the marketing strategists. And, yes, you’ve undoubtedly seen the videos extolling the virtues of video marketing. Add our voice to the chorus: Video should definitely be part of your professional services’ firm’s marketing mix. Why? Here are a few compelling reasons why video is critical to reaching your audience and growing your firm’s brand.
2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey: The Results Are In!
To help aid you in this effort, earlier this year we set out to gather data from a wide range of law firms pertaining to how they are using content marketing to bolster business development. We’re happy to report that the results of our “2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey” are in! The results of this survey will help all of us who are interested in marketing legal services to better understand what’s working, and what’s not, when it comes to law firm content marketing.
How Guest Posting Can Get You to the Top of Google Search Rankings
In this post, I’ll explain why I believe guest posting is a powerful SEO hack and how to execute a guest-posting strategy effectively. Lawyers can use this strategy to get their names, personal brands, and thought leadership (if not their own sites) to the top of Google search rankings, and increase business development opportunities in the process.