There is a limiting belief on the part of attorneys that their content will go unnoticed or that it will fail to generate the requisite return on their investment in time and effort in order to make the juice worth the squeeze. So how do you get your thought leadership content noticed?
Five Trends in Thought-Leadership Marketing for 2020
Our Top Marketing Tip for 2020: Start a Podcast
Does Thought-Leadership Content Marketing Really Work?
If there’s one question I’ve received more than any other over the course of my career—from friends and family, from colleagues and clients—it’s this: Does [insert any marketing tactic here] really work? The answer is a resounding yes. But if—and only if—you honestly, legitimately and wholly believe all of the following...
The Secret to Getting Ahead is Simply Getting Started
While it’s not always easy to settle upon a goal—after all, many of us struggle to determine what we want out way out in the future—harder still is determining how we’ll get from Point A (where we are) to Point B (where we want to go). Perhaps hardest of all is taking the first step forward. The secret to getting ahead? In almost all cases, it’s simply getting started.
How to Use Content to Overcome the Selling Aversion
As our careers mature, business development becomes crucial to advancement opportunities. So, we might not like to “sell,” but we’d better be active relationship builders, if nothing else. You might not want to cold call a prospect, or send an unsolicited invitation to lunch, or attend a networking event. But you might not have to. And this is where content comes in.
3 Ways to Succeed as a First Year Associate
There’s little to stop you, except your own limiting beliefs about what’s possible. Heading into 2020, with a bit of experience under your belt, you can take steps to accelerate your path along the profession’s learning curve. The following article focuses on the steps to get off to a fast start in your legal career.
The Business Case for B2B Podcasting
If there is one trend we see coming to the fore in 2020 and beyond with respect to professional services marketing, it’s the rise of podcasting as a content marketing medium for lawyers, accountants and other consultants. And it’s not just because it’s novel, or fun, or self-flattering. It’s because there is a business case to be made for business-to-business podcasting. The sooner you embrace it, the sooner you will take a leading position in the marketplace of ideas.
Create a Digital Trail to Your Website Bio
If you want to engage your audience online, you can’t passively sit by and wait for prospects to stumble on your website bio. You need to funnel people in the right direction. You need to be visible, from Google to social media to relevant niche platforms, in places where your audience is searching for answers.
Fear and Failure are Precursors to Confidence and Success in the Practice of Law
In the moment, it’s easy to fixate only on your struggles and failures if you never look back at how far you’ve come. If you take the time to look back, you’ll realize that the good things didn’t happen despite the bad ones; they happened because of them. Put another way, the only way to succeed is to fail.