Don’t Let Limiting Beliefs Stop You From Building Your Law Practice

Don’t Let Limiting Beliefs Stop You From Building Your Law Practice

At the root of business development procrastination is that, despite our best intentions, it’s hard to rely on internal fortitude alone. That’s because our own worst critic resides inside us. It’s not some external adversary that holds us back. It’s the limiting beliefs we harbor that keep us from realizing our full potential. In the following article, Jay Harrington discusses these limiting beliefs and how to put them aside in order to build your law practice.

Finding Your “Zone of Genius” to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Finding Your “Zone of Genius” to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Many attorneys, whether past or present, have suffered from “imposter syndrome,” where they feel less confident in their own abilities compared to those who are consuming their content. In the following article, Tom Nixon shares his own experiences with imposter syndrome and how he was able to come to understand what is meant by “Zone of Genius” to overcome his own affliction in order to, once and for all, embrace the stature of “thought leader.”

Don’t (Necessarily) Avoid That Difficult Partner

Don’t (Necessarily) Avoid That Difficult Partner

Dealing with difficult partners is a fact of law firm life, which is all about trade-offs. Want to make partner? There is going to be some pain and suffering along the way, often resulting from working with a difficult partner. By stepping up to the challenge, you can demonstrate that you have what it takes to persevere under difficult circumstances. From taking ownership to being resilient, learn the qualities that it takes to meet the expectations and earn the respect of a difficult partner.

Set Your New Year’s Resolutions Today

Set Your New Year’s Resolutions Today

Many attorneys struggle to get ahead, and with the new year quickly approaching, it’s vital to get started on planning now so you don’t lose valuable time in the first quarter of the new year. In the following article, Tom Nixon discusses the importance of taking the first step in carving out your own plan for success now instead of waiting until January.

10 Tips to Help First-Year Attorneys Cope With Stress While Working from Home

10 Tips to Help First-Year Attorneys Cope With Stress While Working from Home

Recently, I posted on LinkedIn about the travails of being a first-year lawyer during these trying times. The post generated several comments from lawyers who shared their own advice for coping. Here are 10 tips, based on my own experiences and those of other lawyers who shared their perspectives on LinkedIn, to help first-year lawyers stay strong and resilient.

Think Big, Act Small: The Power of a Niche

Think Big, Act Small: The Power of a Niche

Many lawyers fear that a narrow focus will limit opportunities. However, focusing on a narrow niche is the foothold that many lawyers use to gain traction. From being recognized as a thought leader to making marketing easier, Jay Harrington presents key advantages of serving a niche audience and how it allows lawyers to scale their practice to new heights.

A True Thought Leader’s Mind, Body and Spirit

A True Thought Leader’s Mind, Body and Spirit

If an attorney wishes to attain thought-leader status, the belief is that he or she needs to emulate and achieve the thought leader’s mind, body and spirit. In the following article. Tom Nixon provides his suggestions, as well as suggestions and tips from his network on LinkedIn,, on tools, resources and more that help enable a busy professional to achieve the calm, steadiness and measured composure that thought leaders exhibit.

Create More Engagement on LinkedIn

Create More Engagement on LinkedIn

Learning is a skill like any other. The more effective you are at identifying gaps in your knowledge and bridging those gaps by consuming and making sense of useful information, the more effective you will be as a lawyer. In the following article, I discuss some of the best ways to get smarter in order to push yourself to higher levels of performance.