How to Create LinkedIn Content That Resonates With Your Audience

How to Create LinkedIn Content That Resonates With Your Audience

Many lawyers hold back their ideas for fear of giving away the “secret sauce.” And this sort of scarcity mindset stops them from realizing the benefits of building a strong personal brand on LinkedIn. In most cases, clients aren’t looking to do it themselves. They’re looking for the right lawyer for the job, and your ideas — your brand — give them confidence in your abilities. But your ideas will get lost amid the noise if they’re not delivered in a style that resonates with your audience.

Workshop Replay: Learn How to Write High-Engagement Posts on LinkedIn

Workshop Replay: Learn How to Write High-Engagement Posts on LinkedIn

View our complimentary workshop replay where Jay Harrington and Tom Nixon, co-founders of the Thought Leader Collaborative, will teach you how to plan and write posts that generate results. From topics to format to structure, you'll learn the essentials that will help you become a thought leader on LinkedIn.

The Good Content Samaritan

The Good Content Samaritan

Many are afraid of sharing their ideas publicly and at no charge for fear that they are “giving away free advice” or allowing access to “the secret sauce.” But here’s the deal: If you’re not sharing your expertise with the world, no one will believe that you have it. The individual that does more showing than telling is much more readily trusted as the true thought leader. And the returns that come from earning such a reputation make all the “free” sharing of “secrets” worth your time, effort and openness.

10 Things Lawyers Should Stop Doing

10 Things Lawyers Should Stop Doing

Almost every lawyer I’ve worked with has struggled with time management. The solution to this problem does not lie in trying to find more hours in the day. The key to real, meaningful productivity is identifying the most important, essential tasks that drive success, and working to de-prioritize or eliminate the rest. Here are 10 things lawyers should stop doing.

How to Sell Legal Services Without Selling

How to Sell Legal Services Without Selling

We all have a "circle of competence"—a body of skills and knowledge that gives us an edge. And we can expand the circle over time, slowly and incrementally. If we try to do too much, too fast, we spread ourselves thin and our effectiveness diminishes. So the question is: What’s the best way to spend your limited resources of time and attention?

Playing the Long and Short Content Game

Playing the Long and Short Content Game

The content you create and publish has a half-life, too. And it seems as though that half-life gets shorter and shorter with each passing day. We keep increasing the pace at which we consume—or ignore—content, to the point nowadays that your content’s half-life can be fleeting. So is it worth the time we put into perfecting this polished content? No. And Yes.