By applying the 80/20 rule to your business development efforts, you can make the most of your limited time. Focus on nurturing relationships with your most valuable contacts while maintaining visibility with your broader network through scalable marketing tactics.
These meetings aren’t just good for your clients—they’re good for you too. You’ll deepen your understanding of your clients’ businesses, which makes you a more effective advocate.
The Ivy Lee Method works because it is a structured system, yet simple. It promotes planning, prioritization, and forced discipline, which are all hallmarks of effective productivity.
In today's crowded and competitive legal marketplace, having a niche practice can be a powerful strategy for lawyers looking to differentiate themselves and build a thriving practice.
If you’ve been hesitating to reach out to clients outside of an active legal matter for fear of being a nuisance, remember: You are not bugging them if you’re providing value.
It's a delicate dance, navigating the line between friendship and business. But with the right approach, you can turn personal relationships into professional ones—without jeopardizing the friendship.