Proposal + Presentation Design

There is perhaps no more critical time to elevate your subject matter expertise to the level of thought leadership than at the point of impact—the pitch, a presentation, a proposal. In contrast to some communications channels, it is at this point of personal delivery that you have your audience’s most undivided attention. Make the most of these opportunities...and leave nothing to chance.

The most effective and persuasive presentation and proposal materials maximize the impact of thoughtful design, facilitate the ease-of-use and repeatability for attorneys and admins constructing the documents, and clearly articulate complex concepts to deliver truly persuasive pitches. 

We help law firms create compelling and masterfully designed PowerPoint presentations and Word proposals for their most critical pitches, speeches and potential new business engagements. We design accessible yet memorable marketing assets that make arguments, tell stories, influence audiences, inspire action, and achieve tangible results.


Proposal + Presentation Template Systems


You’ve been asked to present a proposal. This is your chance to make a great impression, reinforce your value, and differentiate from the competition. Too often, however, firms cobble together elements from prior proposals, resulting in an unpolished, inconsistent and unpersuasive package—and a big missed opportunity. We help our clients create branded proposal template systems in Microsoft Word that allow firms to put their best foot forward with every proposal. Your new proposal will reinforce your brand through great design and visual storytelling in a flexible and easy to use Microsoft Word template. Pitch your strategy, sell your solutions, and win the support of your client with better proposal materials.


Does your firm have a single branded PowerPoint template system that all professional use as a starting point when preparing for a presentation? If not, we have the solution. Make it easy for every professional in your firm to make a great impression with a new PowerPoint template system that projects a consistent brand identity. Our PowerPoint systems include well-designed and easily adaptable slide templates for your most commonly used information, including professional bios, practice group descriptions, “about the firm” narratives, and more. We give you the flexibility you need to craft a compelling presentation while maintaining consistency. Help your team convey their best ideas without going off-brand by giving them the templated tools they can use for every presentation type.


One of the primary reasons that most firms’ proposals and presentations lack design style and consistency is a widely-held assumption that great design is not possible within Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Having designed hundreds of stunning proposals and presentations using Microsoft software, we can tell you from experience that great design is possible—but it requires a thorough understanding of the tools and capabilities with the programs. We offer our clients training so that internal marketing departments can become experts on the use and adaptation of the proposal and presentation template systems we create for them. That way they have the skills and knowledge necessary to manage the process internally as tools are turned over to professionals, and ensure that all proposals and presentations maintain a consistent look.

Proposals + Presentations for Meetings

Visual Storytelling Graphics

law firms deal in complexity. Their competitive advantage lies in making the complex simple. We help firms translate complex information into easy-to-understand visual storytelling graphics that enhance proposals and presentations. Rather than designing an entire proposal or presentation, we’re often called upon to assist firms in creating interesting and understandable graphics to convey an idea that would otherwise require several bullet-point filled slides to get across. From infographics to icon design, we help firms tell better stories in a visual language that their audience can comprehend.

Presentations for Key Speeches and Meetings

When it comes to important keynote speeches or critical meetings, your firm and its professionals can’t afford not to be at their best. While the substance conveyed in such settings is of utmost importance, subpar presentation materials can detract from the experience. We help professionals step on stage with confidence knowing they have visually striking presentation materials to back them up. After getting up to speed on the key points the presenter wants to get across, we distill the information into a persuasive slide presentation that will drive the message home and position the presenter as a thought leader in the process.


No longer are marketers and law firms bound by clunky technology and lack of design skills when it comes to creating proposals and presentations. Our work product is handed off so that even the novice can make persuasive proposal and powerful pitch materials in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. When necessary, we train our clients how to use our template systems effectively so they can ensure that consistency is maintained across the firm.


Bullet-point-laden, text heavy proposals and presentations fail to connect with audiences. What does?: Impactful imagery and captivating visuals that serve as backdrops to the story you’re telling, as you’re commanding attention, making the case, and engaging on a personal level with prospective clients. Our proposals and presentations incorporate interesting and persuasive visual storytelling graphics and design treatments that grab attention and make complex information easy to understand.


With multiple offices and hundreds of professionals, most firms struggle to maintain a consistent brand identify across their proposal and presentation materials. Instead of working from a single template, professionals often grab whatever prior version is easily available as a starting point. We create flexible but standardized proposal and presentation template systems that help maintain consistency across a firm. Don’t sacrifice your firm’s brand with one-off proposals and presentations that don’t put your best foot forward in critical moments.


We Help Top Firms Create Persuasive Proposals and Presentations