Fear is the Fuel of Opportunity

Fear is the Fuel of Opportunity

Here’s an immutable truth: As a young lawyer, you’re going to make a mistake. The question is: How are you going to deal with it? A simple question, yes, but one with profound implications for a young lawyer’s career.

Some people can let a mistake, and the implications that may result from it, roll off their backs. Lesson learned. Move on.

But for others, mistakes lead to longer-term harmful consequences. They become paralyzed for fear of making another one.

This happened to me, and if I’m honest with myself, I never quite got over it. Looking back, it was a moment that I never shook. It was a crossroads that took me down a path that I never anticipated when I graduated from law school.

I no longer practice law. I don’t regret my decision to leave the practice for a second. I love what I do now. But I can’t help but think that things could have been different. Making a big mistake was inevitable – it happens to everyone. But if I knew then what I know now, would I have chosen a different path?

What’s Your Unfair Advantage?

What’s Your Unfair Advantage?

Much of the discussion in legal marketing and business development circles focuses on law firm branding. But it’s important to realize that while firms have brands, individual lawyers do too. Unless you’re the boss, you may have little control over how your firm is positioned. But your personal brand? Well, good or bad, that’s in your hands.

Some balk at the term “personal branding” and argue that it’s a clumsy, meaningless substitute for “reputation.” But there’s an important difference.

A lawyer’s reputation is a critical component of her personal brand, but the terms aren’t synonymous. Branding requires a concerted, strategic and active effort to describe, position and promote how one’s skills and expertise are relevant and uniquely able to solve a client’s problems. It’s not just about letting your reputation speak for itself. Personal branding is a matter of purposefully injecting your unique value proposition into the marketplace. While reputation is something that happens to you, brand is something you make happen. Developing your personal brand, therefore, is critical to effectively positioning yourself to audiences that matter.

“One of a Kind” Book Excerpt Featured on Slaw – Canada’s Online Legal Magazine

“One of a Kind” Book Excerpt Featured on Slaw – Canada’s Online Legal Magazine

The issue of developing a niche legal practice is a hot one in legal marketing and business development circles today. It’s also one I address at length in my book, One of a Kind: A Proven Path to a Profitable Legal Practice.

Last week, Slaw, Canada’s online legal magazine, published a chapter from One of a Kind as its “Thursday Think Piece.” The chapter is entitled “Carving a Path: How to Establish and Sustain Expert Status” and addresses reasons to pick a niche and how to go about it.

Potential and Hard Work are Overrated. In the Game of Life, Habits and Routines are What Really Matter.

Potential and Hard Work are Overrated. In the Game of Life, Habits and Routines are What Really Matter.

It’s comforting to assume that great things are accomplished by those innately blessed with natural talent, skill and good fortune. If I believe that certain people are predestined for greatness, then it makes my own mediocrity more palatable.

But it’s a false comfort. What happens when reality strikes, and I’m forced to confront that, with rare exceptions, we all have simiIar potential and capacity for achievement? That means I must take ownership over my successes and failures.

This is an issue I struggled with as a young lawyer. I performed well enough, but I always had a nagging feeling that I was just meeting the bar, not surpassing it. Too often chalked this up to the fact that some people were simply better than me, which, I now know, was just a way to let myself off the hook. In most cases, people were better because they simply willed themselves to be better.

From Resolution to Action: How Young Lawyers Can Shift Their Mindsets in Order to Shift Their Careers into Overdrive

From Resolution to Action: How Young Lawyers Can Shift Their Mindsets in Order to Shift Their Careers into Overdrive

We all make resolutions, and not just at the start of the year. Because we’re creatures of habit, we constantly seek to adopt good, new habits, and break bad, old ones. Eat better, write that article, quit smoking, exercise, make those phone calls, stop procrastinating so much, spend more time with family, learn that new skill. But inevitably another year passes without the results we desire and we are back to square one.

This problem is particularly acute for young lawyers, who are adjusting to the rigors of a new career and dealing with daily storms of inputs, demands and stresses. For most the problem is not one of indecision, but rather inaction. The desire for change is strong, but the will to make sustainable change happen is often lacking. For this reason many lawyers spend their careers on autopilot, attending diligently to client needs and priorities, but not their own. Days, weeks and years flash by in a whirlwind of emails, conference calls and court appearances. With demanding clients, bosses and adversaries to deal with on a daily basis, who has time to focus on much else?

Jay Harrington Hosts Free Webinar to Help Promote Your Firm’s Growth

Jay Harrington Hosts Free Webinar to Help Promote Your Firm’s Growth

My new book, One of a Kind: A Proven Path to a Profitable Law Practice, is in print! I will be joining law practice management software maker Clio for a free webinar on August 9 during which I will discuss some of the issues addressed in my book. It’s free to attend and I promise a crisp, insightful presentation of ideas that can help you build a profitable and sustainable book of business. The details are below. Register by clicking here.

The Essential First Questions for Carving Out a Niche

The Essential First Questions for Carving Out a Niche

The world does not need more general practitioners. What is needed, and what good clients are willing to pay a premium for, is deep knowledge and expertise in narrow practices and industries. While being a generalist may make you relevant to all, being an expert makes you indispensable to some. You don’t need me to tell you what category you want to be in.

In consulting with and coaching lawyers, one of the issues I frequently run into is that many lawyers desire a specialist practice, but are unsure how to go about building it.

As a starting point, I recommend a bit of introspection and self-examination.

Unleash Your Inner Creative to Build a Book of Business

Unleash Your Inner Creative to Build a Book of Business

Creativity is becoming an increasingly valued attribute in all fields and industries, including the legal industry. My latest article, published by Attorney at Work, explains how lawyers can tap into their creative side and stand out from the pack. You can also read the full text here:

The best lawyers are often the most creative lawyers. But that doesn’t mean they are, or even want to be, labeled as “creative.” Creativity has a certain connotation to it — and it’s traditionally been a term associated with, well, creative people like artists, musicians and writers.

But that’s changing. Creativity is an increasingly valued attribute in all fields and industries — synonymous with problem-solving and innovation.

In the Rapidly Changing Legal Market, Same is not a Strategy

In the Rapidly Changing Legal Market, Same is not a Strategy

Remember the good old days? The days when hourly rates increased year after year, junior associate time could be billed for, and it was considered unprofessional to try to poach another lawyer’s clients? That wasn’t that long ago, in fact. But times have changed.

The market for legal services is flat. Since the Great Recession, there has been fundamental change in the legal landscape. Much like the housing market bubble that precipitated the economic slowdown, the legal marketplace has shifted from a seller’s to a buyer’s market. This has led to downward pressure on fees, demand for creative, alternative billing practices, and greater competition for fewer opportunities. Work has also moved in-house, as corporate law departments have looked for ways to cut costs and have become not only clients, but also competitors, to solo lawyers as well as law firms.

Get Narrow: How to Align Your Legal Practice to Meet Changes in Consumer Demand

Get Narrow: How to Align Your Legal Practice to Meet Changes in Consumer Demand

Change is never easy, rarely fun, but often necessary. That’s particularly true in the legal industry, in which client/consumer needs and preferences are changing rapidly, but lawyers and law firms are failing to keep pace.

In all aspects of today’s economy, consumers are trending toward specialization. In the medical field, the general family practitioner’s office is often just the first stop — many times mandated by insurance coverage — on the way to the specialist. The full-service advertising agency model of the “Mad Men” era is being replaced by agencies focusing on narrow industries and service specializations. Many advertising clients are no longer seeking an “agency of record” but rather the best agency to help with a specific project intended to achieve a specific objective. IT and software consultants are developing solutions not for mass markets, but for industries — from healthcare to financial services — that face common challenges.

These changes are happening in response to market demands — consumers are no longer looking for service providers with broad skill sets, but rather are seeking out specialists with very particular knowledge in industries and market segments. Narrow and deep, not broad and shallow, is what clients value.