5 Ways to Make Your Articles Stand Out When Everyone is Writing About the Same COVID-19 Topics

5 Ways to Make Your Articles Stand Out When Everyone is Writing About the Same COVID-19 Topics

Since virtually every law firm in the country is pumping out massive amounts of written content about the COVID-19 crisis, it’s hard for any individual thought leader to stand out. Over the last two weeks, we’ve been helping our clients to create standout content, and through that process we have had a chance to analyze and distill what works and what doesn’t in the COVID-19 marketplace of ideas. Here are some ideas that will help you to write more effective thought-leadership articles.

Build Trust and Add Value Through Legal Marketing: Principles to Follow During the COVID-19 Crisis

Build Trust and Add Value Through Legal Marketing: Principles to Follow During the COVID-19 Crisis

With all the demands on lawyers and legal marketers these days, spurred by shifts to remote-working environments and the rash of legislative and regulatory changes that must be processed, there is hardly time to pause. But pausing to think strategically about the best path forward is necessary. Things are changing so rapidly that we can’t lose sight of the need to adapt our marketing strategies. For every lawyer and law firm, the path forward will be different, but here are some principles to keep in mind.

Tips for Adapting to the New Remote Working Reality

Tips for Adapting to the New Remote Working Reality

The legal profession has had a new reality thrust upon it, as attorneys and legal professionals everywhere suddenly find themselves working from home in the virtual law firm they formerly thought impossible or impractical. From prior recent experience, here is my best advice on how you can most smoothly make the transition from your comfortable work routine and environment to today’s “new normal.”

The Art of Delegating for Time-Crunched Lawyers

The Art of Delegating for Time-Crunched Lawyers

Given their tendencies toward perfectionism, it’s hard for many lawyers to delegate work to others. We have all been in this position, and it may prove true in the moment—it probably is faster for you to do it yourself. But in the long-term, which is what you should be focused on, it’s better to get someone else working on that which must get done, but not necessarily by you.

Who Has Time for Lunch? Try Collaborative Thought-Leadership Marketing Instead

Who Has Time for Lunch? Try Collaborative Thought-Leadership Marketing Instead

In today’s fast-paced, noisy and distracted world, it’s hard to get someone’s attention for a mere moment. Who has time for lunch with a lawyer these days? Or a better question, do you have time for lunch? Instead, why not kill two birds with one stone and invite a client or prospective client to collaborate on a thought leadership project? By doing so, your invitation doesn’t come across as one-sided and transactional, but rather mutually beneficial.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Young Lawyer

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Young Lawyer

As a young lawyer who is now fully engaged in the practice of law, you’ve just turned pro. While there were smart, insightful people in your law school class, this is an entirely different level. The competitive academic playing field is nothing compared to the professional one you’re now playing on. At times you’ll feel like you don’t belong, like you don’t know what you’re doing. But keep the faith. You’ve almost certainly experienced similar discomfort before, and you overcame it. And you can do it again.

4 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Make Your Thought-Leadership Marketing More Effective

4 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Make Your Thought-Leadership Marketing More Effective

One of the best tools that lawyers can use to bolster their thought leadership is LinkedIn. There are some obvious ways to use LinkedIn for thought leadership, such as sharing articles you’ve written and published elsewhere, which need no further explanation. In this article, I provide four recommendations on how to use LinkedIn not merely as a place to promote content, but rather as a testing ground to make your thought leadership better.